Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
Love local farms? Love fresh and flavorful food? A CSA program may be for you!
We grow it here. We harvest it here. We feed our community.
How does it work?
The farmer and CSA member enter into a mutually beneficial agreement. The member purchases a 'share' of the farm up front before the growing season begins. The farmer promises to grow the best product possible given any constraints that mother earth introduces that season; excessive rain, drought, insect infestations, disease pressures etc. Once the harvest begins, the member picks up their 'share' of the harvest once per week - the most fresh and flavorful organic produce available at that time of year. As the season changes, so will the offerings each week, thus providing members with the opportunity to understand and appreciate seasonal eating. By bringing together neighbors, friends, and those who love good fresh food, CSA programs provide a wonderful sense of community among like-minded people. Visiting the farm, enjoying the view, talking with the farmer, engaging your children in selecting their own produce - it all adds to the experience that a CSA membership provides. In becoming part of a small local farm you are investing a small business, our rural character, productive and healthy working landscapes, and in our case, a new generation of farmers.

2025 CSA share options
Summer Farm Share - 13 weeks (June, July & Aug)
full share: $685
half share: $465
start date: week of June 2
end date: week of August 25
Payment for Summer Season due by May 1st
Fall Farm Share - 8 weeks (Sept & Oct)
full share: $435
half share: $310
start date: week of September 1
end date: week of October 20
Payment for Fall Season due August 9th

CSA members pick up their farmshare once per week.
Pick-Up Locations:
Cloverleigh Farm
448 Rt. 87 (Jonathan Trumbull Hwy)
Columbia, CT 06237
Central Rock Gym
259 Eastern Blvd.
Glastonbury, CT 06033
Pick-Up Times:
On-Farm: Wednesdays 3-6pm or Saturdays 9am-12pm
Glastonbury: Wednesdays 4-6pm
CSA pickup at both locations will feature bulk bins of vegetables, from which you choose the best looking item to you (or your kids!). All produce is harvested fresh daily, washed, and kept refrigerated until you pick it up. It is guaranteed to keep longer in your fridge than any other produce you purchase so long as you follow the storage needs of the crop.
Several crops are available to members only as pick-your-own opportunities, a bonus on top of the vegetables we harvest for you. These crops include: cherry tomatoes, tomatillos, ground cherries, perennial and annual herbs, and a wide selection of cut flowers.
Members that pick up their share off-site are welcome to come to the farm for PYO items, but recognize that this may only happen occasionally or not at all. The cost of delivery to bring the farm to you is included in your share price. The crop field is open Tues-Sat 8am-6pm for all CSA members.
Consult the produce availability list for details on what to expect.

Share size
The exact share size varies throughout the season, depending on when different vegetables are ready for harvest. All members should bring reusable cloth bags with them to distribution each week.
Full share: Each week full share members should expect to fill up to 1 bag (bring your own) with fresh organic produce, including PYO crops, depending on the time of year. The share size should be suitable for a family of four or more who cook most of their meals at home. If you are dedicated to a plant-based diet, a full share also works for a couple. This is a large-sized share and will require skill in managing.
Half share: Each week those with a half share should expect to fill up to 1/2 a bag (bring your own), including PYO crops. The share size should be suitable for a couple, a small family that occasionally eats out, or a vegetable-loving single.
What's in your share: A chalkboard will describe what is in the share that week. You will choose from bulk bins of each crop to pick out your particular item (ex: 1 cucumber, 2 squash, 1 bunch carrots etc.). Our goal is to send you home with 5-8 different items each week. Hopefully over the course of the week, you'll eat all of your vegetables so that by the following week you'll be ready for more. All of our produce is USDA certified organic.
On-farm pickup in Columbia: Full shares and half shares available
Glastonbury pickup: Half shares only available

Become a member
Memberships are accepted on a first-come first-served basis until the CSA is full.
Purchase your CSA share in our online shop or request a paper form so you may pay by check.
Call Susan Mitchell, owner/operator, at 860-373-6324 or send her an email at

Half share

Half share

Half share

Half share

Half share

Full share

Full share

Full share

Full share

Full share