Our partners
We proudly partner with other small businesses that produce items to compliment our offerings.

Our property grew in 2022 with the addition of Ramble Creek Farm. Josh Carnes met Susan Mitchell in a love story for the Covid ages and moved his livestock and mushroom business to Columbia so they could farm and live together. Ramble Creek raises a small herd of Angus/Hereford beef cattle, Berkshire/Tamworth pigs, thousands of broiler chickens and turkeys for Thanksgiving plus culinary mushrooms. All animals are raised outdoors on pasture or in the forest, given food scraps (where appropriate), and fed a non-GMO grain produced in Connecticut. Products are sold at the farm and in NYC on Fridays at the Unions Square and 97th Street Greenmarkets.

Central Rock Gym in Glastonbury provides their members and guests with access to world class indoor rock climbing and fitness facilities. In addition to climbing, their gyms help build strong communities through youth programs, member events, meetups, competitions, and fundraising events. The gym is welcoming and accessible to all climbers, regardless of experience or background.
Central Rock Gym serves as a pickup location for our CSA program, connecting good food with good exercise and healthy living!

Full Bloom Apiaries, based in Franklin, CT keeps beehives at the farm, thus insuring proper pollination for all of our vegetables. You'll find different plants in our crop field in flower at different times, thus providing a great source of nectar for the bees for many months. Owner Alan Holmberg sells his honey wholesale to many grocery stores in eastern Connecticut and also sells queens and bees to those interested in starting their own hives.