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Pick Your Own

Several crops are available to CSA members as pick-your-own (PYO). These items include a wide variety of herbs, green beans, cherry tomatoes, ground (husk) cherries, tomatillos, and cut flowers. We will open each crop for picking as it comes ready to harvest.


There is a PYO kiosk near the field that has everything you need to know...a map, a list of what is available that week, the quantities you are permitted to pick, plus scissors, pint and quart containers as needed. Many folks like to bring a plastic container that they fill with water at the farm to put their flowers in (smart idea!). 


The crop field is open for PYO:       

   Tuesdays 8 - 6

   Wednesdays 8-6

   Thursdays 8 - 6

   Fridays 8 - 6

   Saturdays 8 - 5



The field is closed on other days. The field is closed for thunder, rain, and often after a heavy rain event too.


We like to be as equitable as possible. Please only pick once per week and take only what is listed that week.

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